Dragonball/Z/GT RPG

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Weekly Raffle




:Planet Vegeta is up!

: There is new army ways to team up! if you wish to have your own army you better hurry, theres only 3 more allowed!{Join an army in the message board!}

: There is a new Exp. Point System added to the rpg! You now Gain 100 Exp for every 1000 power level gained! Certain moves need a certain amount of Experience! So Look over earth.

: Namek Is up!

Site Info :

The Main topic of this site is for a dragonballz and dragonball GT related Theme. An RPG, as it says above is a role playing game, in which you will see things like Power Levels. Each fighter has a power level depending on how much they train. To gain an extra boost of Experience you may battle someone, if you win the battle you will recive double the experience the person you have defeated experience points. And Yes, you do get Experience for loosing a battle. Although it will not be many. The Main site admin is Me, Vegeta. Also known on myspace as Zeth (www.myspace.com/vegeta_ssj7). I also Have Aim (GutterManBoy) contact me at these locations, If you do not have Aim, or myspace, you may contact me threw email, although i barely check it. (vegeta_ssj7@yahoo.com). More Things that are helpful to know about the RPG, and how to get powerful or feared is to become a leader, of you guessed it, An army. But there are many other things to the RPG Such as Earning money to make it possible to travel from place to place. Money is made by working jobs, or if another member is willing to pay you, or buy something off you. Things they could pay you for is things such as Assassinations, and Quick missions, for example you could pay another member to go to a different planet to get something, or you could pay them to Destroy a planet, or to capture someone, or seal. Such things as in stealing can get you into trouble, depending on what the items are. Also marriage is allowed, but i will not be performing the ritual, You could just ask me if you two can get married, If someone asks me i'll ask the other person if they accept, then i will post on each persons Page that they are taken. Children are also allowed, but no, you may not be them, there is a limit to each person to have a character. Which is obliviously one. Also there is no making up characters, yes, I may create my own stories, but you may not have your own person, from say star wars, or any other thing of that topic. Also You may NOT make your own moves. Also each person will be able to learn one move depending on the power of the move for ever so many days in training. For Example, if you trained for 2 days you could learn to fly but your experience points must be over 100. Different moves have different experience level's needed. Exp. can be gained by training, every 1,000 power level boost, is 100 Exp. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

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Partnering sites :

Fight Night RPG